Welcome to our Women’s Ministry.

This ministry exists to glorify God by teaching women to know Him intimately, serve Him faithfully, and walk in obedience to His Word in all seasons of life.

Anchor Women’s Conference

Hickory Bible Church is hosting a regional women's conference featuring Dr. Rosaria Butterfield. Rosaria was a radical, committed, unbeliever drawn to the Lord in 1999. Her background and life story gives a compelling perspective to help equip women to engage in the conversations surrounding five common lies our culture is embracing about sexuality, faith, feminism, gender roles, and modesty, from her book Five Lies of the Anti Christian Age. As we are anchored in the unapologetic truth of the Bible and walk in Christ-like love, we can engage the modern culture on these issues and stand firm in our faith and our godly womanhood.

Psalms Study

Catch up on previous teaching times.

Still have questions?
Contact Holly.