Welcome to our Men’s Ministry.

The men of HBC are doers. We desire to take up our crosses and to serve the Lord with boldness and with zeal. We value discipleship and community, truth and wisdom. And this is the place that we find it - among other men aiming to look more like Christ every day. Whether it’s a Saturday morning breakfast or a basketball tournament, join us. You will be strengthened and challenged: the best combo, right?

This ministry exists to equip and encourage our men to glorify God by walking in obedience, leading faithfully, and serving sacrificially in order to imitate Christ as husbands, fathers, brothers, and servants.

Men’s Spring Bible Study

starting the week of January 12

The HBC Men’s Ministry will be studying Galatians this spring. Rediscover the freedom of God's extravagant grace and a faith animated by God's mercy. There are multiple Bible Study groups on different days of the week, so take advantage of this opportunity to grow in God's Word along with other men at HBC.

Our Recent Study

FundaMENtals: A Saturday Morning Breakfast Series
This series is designed to train our men to live God-fearing lives by addressing topics specifically for men.

Our teaching has emphasized the “M-centric” areas of biblical masculinity: manhood, maturity, marriage, morality, and money, as well as biblical leadership in theology and suffering.

The topic that we are addressing this Spring semester is Having the Mind of Christ.  Join us for a Saturday session to be encouraged in growing in your walk with the Lord!

Still have questions?
Contact Kurtis.