Todd Jacobs

Todd Jacobs once tutored an entire men’s basketball team, and he was still the tallest person in the room. His sense of humor (especially about his height), has traveled with him everywhere he has lived, from Georgie, to Florida, to Hickory, NC. On the way he earned a BS in Biology at USF and an MD from Duke University, leading him to his current job as a radiologist. He and his wife were married in 1996 and joined HBC with their two children in 2012 (on New Year’s Day!). He now serves as an elder, first from 2013 to 2017, and now from 2021 to the present. He loves the church’s commitment to God’s truth and the testimony of its members, who love each other in truth well. His role gives him the opportunity to see that testimony in the small things. His favorite book of the Bible is all of it.