Hurricane Helene Relief

Many of you have been interested in finding practical ways in which we can serve our region in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. After talking to some churches in Boone and Asheville, as well as a director of disaster relief at Samaritan's Purse, here's a three-point plan for the next month of doing what we can to love our neighbors to the north and west.

1. Giving to the cause:

If you want to give financially to help Samaritan's Purse, you can do so here:

2. Going to the place:

If you want to give of your time, SP is organizing day volunteers to go out for a full or half day to help with the disaster relief. You can sign up here to volunteer: Once registered, you have the option of going anytime between now and Saturday, November 2nd, Mon-Sat. We are organizing two small trips up with the young adults and college students, this Saturday the 5th and Monday the 7th. If you want more information on joining one of those groups, email Sam Reese, our Student Coordinator, at

3. Gathering the supplies:

There are two churches we partner with in the Asheville area (Cornerstone Baptist in Arden and Pisgah Forest Baptist in Pisgah Forest). We are working to get supplies to them next week. If you want to donate to that cause, please drop off the following items anytime between now and next Sunday at the front entrance to the church in the main lobby:

  • Drink: Cases of water or sports drinks (Gatorade, Prime, etc.)

  • Food: Non-perishable snack foods (granola bars, protein bars, beef jerky, etc.)

  • Supplies: Paper towels, paper plates or bowls, disinfectant wipes, heavy duty trash bags

All supplies will be given directly to these churches to distribute to members in need and/or the volunteers serving in the areas. Please pray for these churches as they are being used as distribution centers in their communities and witnesses for the gospel of Jesus Christ!